Thursday, October 27, 2011

There Goes My Baby....

I know he made his unofficial debut in one of my post but now I would like to officially introduce you to my baby Snickers.  I was never a dog person ever.  But then my mom called me one day and was like since I live alone I should get a dog. A friend of hers had just had a litter of pure bred yorkshire terriers and was giving away 3 of them.  My mom suggested that I get one.  I thought about and a decided why not.

Snickers Faucett was born on August 30, 2009, and I officially welcomed him into my home that December.  He took his first plane ride all the way from Mobile, Alabama to Brooklyn, NY into JFK.  It took some getting used to him in the beginning trying to get him on a schedule for walks and stuff, vet visits for his shots, but once I got into the hang of things we both adjusted well.  He is two years old now, a hott mess and extremely spoiled but I love him to death. Enjoy!

Day my mom picked him up - Mobile, Alabama
 New Home - Brooklyn, New York

Family Portrait - Say Cheese

Real Men Wear Pink - Yes a pink Polo for my baby after all this is a fashion blog LOL


Maxing and Relaxing

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